Recently I found out the hard and painful way just why you should look after your feet and why you should wear good insoles in your shoes. My plantar fascia got inflamed and you know what that means.. yes that's right plantar fasciitis something all runners and athletes dread. I do a lot of sport from soccer to athletics I am a very active person who never likes to stand still not even for just one minute so this condition that now has just about left me unable to walk properly has really hit me hard and the fact that I can no longer do the sports that I love really hurts me more than the pain of plantar fasciitis.
What I need to stop all of this is insoles! You might not think insoles are very important but if you are into your sports they are super important!
There are lots of very high technical and confusing articles on the internet about plantar fasciitis I managed to find a good noob friendly guide over on wps that basically put me in the right direction saying that if you want to stay on your feet whilst you recover from plantar fasciitis you will need to keep as much weight off the effected plantar fascia as possible and this can be achieved by wearing special arch support insoles..... I then Found another good article on wps again that told me what the best insoles are to buy. Very help full indeed! I was going to go and buy some custom ones but apparently these aren't as good as you might think according to that article which is good as that saves me quite a few bucks too. My plan now is to wear some plantar fasciitis arch support insoles as well as keeping my feet safe and out of action until I am fully recovered and only then will I go back into sport as if you dont allow a full recover you might just find that the plantar fasciitis always comes back over and over again.
So even when I have not got this anymore I will have to keep on wearing my insoles even after as a way to prevent it from occurring again as chances are once I got it once chances are I will get it again, I figure the underlining cause of my plantar fasciitis was that I was not wearing the right support in my shoes anyway so that should fix that anyway.
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