Saturday, 16 November 2013

What foods will keep you healthy

I keep on talking about my skiing trip that I am going on in December because well it is just so exciting... but I need your help or some advice to help me get healthy... Food i need healthy food ideas.. I know that I should stop eating biscuits and other unhealthy foods and instead of just starving myself which is very unhealthy and makes your body much weaker as your body uses up your muscles before your fat stores to help get energy from when hungry so I will need replace those biscuits and fast foods with food that are really good for you. I was thinking of getting some healthy super foods like blueberries to hopefully fill me up and snack on instead of biscuits.. But i know that blueberries dont have that many calories in them so I will need to eat enough and not just a few.. Plus obviously eating a good diet isn't enough you need to keep your body active to make it efficient and get all the nutrients form these foods so I will be exercising everyday.. I think you should exercise everyday.. so i have heard.. unless you exercise every other day and then rest in between.. Actually that sounds better and more easy I think I will settle with that. Any one got any more advice? Thanks!

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